Golden Child by Claire Adam

Golden Child by Claire Adam is a book which will haunt you for days, as it has me. So much so I needed time to decompress and really think hard about the multifaceted story.

Set in Trinidad, the story follows the lives of twin boys, Peter and Paul, born to parents Clyde and Joy in a very rural area of the country. One twin, Peter, develops into an extraordinary child who excels at everything he does and with the temperament of a saint. The other twin, Paul, is seen as slow and odd with much social anxiety. Although unable to keep up with his brother in school, their mother insists on keeping the twins together in the accelerated classes so Peter can protect Paul.

One day Paul does not come home from a walk. Hence begins the disturbing, heart stopping climax to the story when their father must make a decision no parent would ever imagine ever having to make. A decision which when presented with life or death how does one choose? and can you ever be ready for the consequences of those actions.

I would highly recommend this book.

A special thank you to SJP for Hogarth on the advanced read. The book will be out on January 29, 2019. If you enjoyed this review please visit my blog at for more reviews. Thank you and happy reading!

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