The Fiction Writer by Jill Cantor

The Fiction Writer was an amazingly surprising and intensely mysterious page turner which you don’t want to end. For those who have read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier or a fan of the author, you will have won the lottery with this one! Even if you are new to du Maurier or Rebecca, not only will you completely enjoy the story, but the Rebecca tease will have you reading this book as well.

Olivia Fitzgerald is a very down and out writer. Her first book was a moderate success, her second, Becky, a new take on the book Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier did not sell very well at all. Now, she not only faces writer’s block trying to piece together a new story but has an unhappy agent who she thinks will drop her and a boyfriend of many years who has decided to move out. So, she now sits paralyzed in her life with only her new pet goldfish to keep her company.

But that all changes when she gets a call from her agent about a job in Malibu, California as a ghostwriter for a billionaire named Henry Ashwood who lost his wife in an accident last year. He specifically asked for Olivia to write a book about his grandmother who he claims was the actual writer of Rebecca and du Maurier stole it from her. Now, there have been a few others who have claimed this, but none could prove it. He says he has his grandmother’s diaries and insists he has the proof. The only caveat, he has requested she sign a non-disclosure agreement. But the money he is offering her is too outrageous to turn down, so off Olivia goes to write the story, even though she only has written fiction in the past.

But once there, she soon discovers inconsistencies in Ash’s story, and these mysterious diaries don’t seem to exist. Ash’s housekeeper hates Olivia even though she has no idea why. Olivia thinks she is in love with the mysterious billionaire. Her visits to the mansion go from wonderful to terrifying. Her own book, Becky seems to be some sort of catalyst to Ash, and she has no idea why. As Olivia begins to learn more about his grandmother, she seems to accidentally discover that perhaps his wife who died accidentally was murdered. Why does he really want her here? The longer she stays, the more she realizes something is wrong and she needs to get away. 

As Olivia fights to find the truth, she suddenly discovers she herself is in danger because of her questions. And when she agrees to go to a Gala with Ash, well…let’s just say that is the final straw. But will she be allowed to leave? Has she discovered too much?

The Fiction Writer is truly a unique take on a beloved gothic novel, modernized for today’s world with flawed characters and anxiety ridden twists and turns.

Thank you #NetGalley #ParkRow #JillCantor #TheFictionWriter for the advanced copy.

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