The Vacation by John Marrs

The Vacation is a mind-blowing novel which seems to have jaw-dropping secrets and shocking information in every single chapter. This, combined with the imaginative plot is not only an amazing set up for an unexpected ending…as if you could be anymore shocked by the ending, but will have you catching your breath as the secrets are revealed.

Eight people check into a hostel in Venice Beach, California. Near the ocean, they try to find peace and perhaps friendship during their stay. But, as we immediately find out from the get-go each person has a secret agenda, something they are hiding or running from. Dark burdens from their pasts. And through the passages which take you back to their pasts to their present, you will begin to glimpse what or why they are running and what they are trying to do in the present.

Those who check in are:

Eric and Nicole who have left their jobs in a hospital in England and seem to have no set plans as to where to go next until Nicole hears a song on the radio…

Savannah is on the run. She’s trying to escape her father but finds herself working at a job her father would never approve. She discovers that being sheltered all her young life has gotten her embroiled in things she knows nothing about. Then she meets someone who takes her under their wing.

Declan and his friend Matty are on the run for something they did back in Ireland. Two troublemakers who want to live it up in America and forget all their troubles. Then someone discovers their secret…at least one of the secrets!

Ruth is from Australia and has come to America because she won a contest to meet superstar Zak Stanley. She knows once she meets him her life will change forever, and she can put her difficult past behind her. She is so excited for their lunch!

Tommy is also from England. He and a friend left there to travel to get away from a tragedy. Then they decided to split up in America and Tommy came to the hostel and his friend stayed at a camp. Unfortunately, they have not been able to connect so Tommy decided to wait at the hostel and was lucky enough to get a job there. But being on his own is hard. He can’t stop the memories.

Jake seems like a drifter. His past is a mystery. He doesn’t give out much information about himself. But unfortunately, he hates who he was and what he did and just wants to find some companionship.

So, come along for the ride as these poor souls try to break free from where they came from and try to begin a new life. Unfortunately, fate will not allow this, and we begin to watch one train wreck after another with shock and horror.

The Vacation is everything you need in a story, tragedy, love, sorrow, suspense, hope and resolution. But reader beware! You will need a vacation after reading this incredible story!

Thank you #NetGalley #HanoverSquarePress #JohnMarrs #TheVacation for the advanced copy.

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