Recipe For A Charmed Life by Rachel Linden

Recipe For A Charmed Life is a beautifully crafted love story. But not your usual love story between two people, but a love story which goes so much deeper than that. It’s a story about losing love, rekindling love and realizing what’s important in life and who is important in one’s life. It explains how until you let go of your past which cannot ever be changed you won’t be able to eagerly look forward to a future you also will not be able to change.

Chef Georgia May Jackson is an American cooking in Paris. With Julia Child as her childhood in her head mentor, she believes she is realizing “their” dreams. Her goal, to open a restaurant of her own. Until one night she not only loses her temper, but also loses her dream, her boyfriend and her job. During this same time, she begins to also lose her tastebuds which in her line of work is tragic. Doctors are mystified and she is terrified.

On top of all this bad news, Georgia May gets an unexpected message from her mother who she has not seen since she was a young girl. She has never forgiven her mother for just up and leaving them and has never had the true reason why she left. She finds out her mother is now living in a small coastal town near Seattle and has invited Georgia May for a visit. She realizes she needs to regroup and find her old spark and perhaps she can finally put to rest what happened to their family all those years ago.

But when she finally meets her mother, she discovers a beautiful free spirit who has a magical relationship with making anything in a garden grow, who only wants to make things right with her daughter. Georgia May begins to see her mother in a different light. Not the person she imagined growing up.

Of course, her mother’s helper is a very handsome oyster farmer who is very mysterious, and Georgia May can’t figure out what his problem with her is. She gets the feeling he hates her and can’t imagine why. He also seems to have his own set of issues and secrets.

As they settle in and start to discuss the past, Georgia May begins to feel differently. She’s still angry with her mother about her past and doesn’t know what to think about their future. She is excited about perhaps a future with her. And just like that she gets a call from Paris with an offer. She is torn. What on earth would Julia do?

Recipe For A Charmed Life is a from the heart, passionate story about forgiveness, friendships, unforgivable issue and moving past the hurt and finding true love and enthusiasm for whatever comes next.

Thank you #NetGalley #BerkleyPublishingGroup #RachelLinden #RecipeForACharmedLife for the advanced copy.

3 thoughts on “Recipe For A Charmed Life by Rachel Linden”

  1. Wonderful review, Lisa. I am looking forward to reading this one. I like that food plays an important part in bringing this family together.


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