The Fortune Seller by Rachel Kapeke-Dale

The Fortune Seller is a well-crafted story about greed, jealousy and social pecking order in today’s society. It throws together a group of women who live together at Yale, some incredibly rich, while others, barely making ends meet. You definitely can tell these women’s differences not only in the way they dress, but the way they act, to each other. Not only does the story show the struggles of those attempting to move up in the world, but it also lets the reader envision the life of the wealthy and the comparison of what they both consider problems in their lives. But, more importantly it shows what some people, both the rich and the poor will do in order to climb the social and financial ladder, and what happens when they begin to fall off.

Rose Macalister has just gotten back to Yale after being away on a year abroad program. She is all smiles because although she has no money, she has been able to save during the past year. But as she enters the apartment she shares with her best friend Cressida Tate, daughter of the uber-wealthy Grayson Tate, and her other roommates, she realizes a year can change everything. She discovers there is a new person in their group, her name is Annelise Tattinger who is on the Equestrian team and seems to ooze money and Rose is now sharing a room with her. She feels replaced.

Her best friend Cressida, also on the team, seems armored with her new roommate. Rose is very upset with this because she really wants to get a job working in finance at her father’s company after graduation. Rose’s sole goal is to be able to make money so she can help her parents and she herself and, never have to worry about money again.

But as Annelise and Rose’s relationship begins to grow, she begins to see a different side of this roommate. First off, she knows how to read Tarot cards which Rose soon becomes obsessed with and she teaches Rose the ins and outs of being a good reader…ask the real questions, the ones in your heart and you will get the real answers.

But Cressida sees Annelise as competition. First because she’s a better rider, but also because she seems to have taken Rose away from her. As the women begin to bicker among themselves, and then an accident occurs and an issue with money and those two problems will change their lives forever.

Fast forward to after graduation and Rose is working in the office of Grayson Tate. Not as a financial wizard, but as his assistant. The money is good, but the work not so much. When you are so low on the totem pole you are barely acknowledged. Then Rose discovers something shocking. Unfortunately, those who have all the power can try to ruin the lives of those who have nothing.

And that is when Rose not only decides to change her life but acknowledge that her past was not who she really wanted to be. If she could have only foreseen her future. Would she have changed it? Would she have done things differently? More importantly is it too late to make on this road she has been following for so long.

What The Fortune Seller shows us is that even though the rich get richer, they too sometimes cannot afford what life throws at them, and for those who are just your ordinary average person trying to make ends meet, their lives can sometimes be so very rich. It doesn’t take cards to predict your future, just the life you lead.

Thank you #NetGalley # St.Martin’sPress #TheFortuneSeller #RachelKapeke-Dale for the advanced copy.

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