Diva by Daisy Goodwin

Daisy Goodwin’s riveting historical fiction book Diva is a juicy, heartbreaking look at a certain time in the career of arguably one of the most famous opera singers, Maria Callas. It covers a period in her life where because of her age, she knows she perhaps has only a bit of time left to do what she is passionate about, sing. It also delves deeply into her longtime relationship with Greek tycoon, Aristotle Onassis and their torrid affair which ended when he shockingly (especially to Callas) married Jacqueline Kennedy. Callas seems to never have recovered from the trauma of that relationship and Onassis’ deceptions during their romance.

It also gives insight into why Callas worked so hard to be the number one opera singer. All through her life she never felt loved by her mother, who just continually pushed her and always felt her sister Jackie should have been the famous one. Their sad estrangement is documented in the story as well. It also alludes to a developed eating disorder as Callas her whole life was conscious of being overweight and humiliated as a child.

Mostly, the story in great detail explains how one of the most famous vocalists of our time was not very confident, how her husband Tito who was her agent pushed her incredibly hard because he was more interested in the money than their marriage which he treated as a corporation, never really allowing her to rest and pushing her even when she felt unwell to sing.

But that all changed when Callas met Aristotle Onassis. There was an immediate connection. But he was married and so was she. But they started an affair even though Callas knew Onassis was a playboy. He made her feel as if she was the only true love of his life. They both ended up divorcing, but sadly would never marry as Onassis kept putting off the asking even though Callas kept hoping for the ring.

Onassis, not a fan of opera really took no time to see Callas’ performances and she suspected him of cheating which Goodwin goes into great detail in the book. One can only sympathize for the way he treated Callas and how it affected the rest of her life.

Scattered throughout the story are sensational tales of the rich and famous and their lavish lifestyles, especially when traveling on Onassis’ yacht, Christina O. There are many accounts of richly spending and shocking waste.

Diva is a story filled with heartache, heartbreak and loss. It’s the story of a woman who as a child felt worthless and was able to pull herself up and leave all that behind and become the famous diva the world will always remember her as. But even with all that, her greatest regret was losing the love of her life.

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’sPress #DaisyGoodwin #Diva for the advanced copy.

Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead by Jenny Hollander

Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead is a mind blowing, psychological thriller in which the reader has absolutely no idea where the plot is going and gleefully anticipates the next twist and turn as the pieces of this insane story are put together. Hollander puts the reader on a rollercoaster and doesn’t let them off until they are exhausted and completely spent and satisfied.

Charlie Colbert is a survivor. In college on Christmas Eve, she was a part of a horrific event at the school. Some of her friends died. It made the national news. It is notoriously known as The Scarlet Christmas. So, you can only imagine what happened…

But now, ten years later, Charlie is still trying to survive. Even though she has worked all those years to become the editor-in-chief of a prestigious magazine, she is still haunted by that young girl who saw what she thinks she saw that night, but can’t remember everything.

Back when it happened, Charlie was the only survivor who refused to talk to the press. When one of her best friends wrote a book about that night, she refused to even participate. Since then, she has distanced herself from those best friends whom she loved and adored.

And now, nearing the 10th anniversary of the incident, one of her classmates, a powerful woman in the media industry has decided to make a film of all things about what happened that night. And she announced there is more to what happened than has been said.

Now, you see, Charlie can’t let this movie happen. Yes, she has moved on. She is engaged to a very wealthy man and has a great life. But she is hiding horrible secrets about that night that even her therapist she’s been seeing for years doesn’t know about.

Now, for her own safety as well as that of her family and her fiancé’s very connected family she must do something she has never wanted to do. She must remember what really happened that night. Remember all those blocked out moments, even if it kills her, or someone else.

Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead is a nail-biting page turner with believe it or not some humor infused into the story. But you will not be disappointed with the complex surprise ending which will shock you!

Thank you #NetGalley #MinotaurPress #JennyHollander #EveryoneWhoCanForgiveMeIsDead for the advanced copy.

The Couple in the Photo by Helen Cooper

Who could imagine an innocent vacation photo could lead to deadly secrets being exposed, murder and lives being changed forever? Well, in this new thriller, The Couple In The Photo that is exactly what occurs! And be warned! Once you begin the book, you will not be able to stop until you find out the truth!

Lucy and Adam, Cora and Scott have been best friends for years. Adam, Cora and Scott were besties in college. They and their children do everything together. They have even bought a cottage which they are fixing up so they can spend even more time together. 

But something changes this friendship when Lucy sees a picture taken by a co-worker during her Maldives honeymoon on her phone. It seems to be a couple they met and it’s her friend Scott and the woman beside him is not his wife Cora! She asks her friend their names and even though she is absolutely sure this is Scott; the name is not his. As a matter of fact, he was supposed to be on a work trip in Japan when the picture was taken.

With her interest piqued, of course she goes home and tells her husband, Adam. But he thinks she perhaps made a mistake because of course Scott would never cheat on Cora and he was in Japan.

But that all changes when she confronts Scott and discovers some suspicious clues. Then, her co-worker ghosts her as she once again tries to see the photo. Why on earth would she avoid her? But once the Pandora’s Box is opened, it cannot be closed and when the mysterious woman ends up dead, murdered in the Maldives, well Lucy knows she must go to the police.

She begins to suspect not only Scott of nefarious behavior, but Adam and Cora as well. Lucy must make some very hard choices which could not only ruin all their lives, but could possibly put her in danger as well.

Perhaps she has unknowingly become the next victim in a pact made years before which she never knew existed. But what happened back then which could possibly affect what is happening today?

The Couple In The Photo is a jaw dropping read which will continually shock you and the ending? Well, picture perfect!

Thank you #NetGalley #G.P.Putnam’sSons #TheCoupleInThePhoto #HelenCooper for the advanced copy.

The Engagement Party by Darby Kane

Are you ready to get on a rollercoaster ride? The Engagement Party is an exciting mystery story with characters you don’t know whether to love or hate, an ending which will drive you mad getting to because it was completely unexpected!

When a group of former college friends reluctantly agree to go to “another” engagement party for their commitment phobic friend Will who has once again met the love of his life in a woman named Ruthie whom none of them have met, no one really wants to be there. The tie which seems to bind these friends is a terrible tragedy which happened a few days before their college graduation. One of their group, Emily Hunt was murdered. Hence, they seem to feel the guilt of what happened and bonded them for life. The party is on a secluded island of the coast of Maine. They know it won’t go well, but what they never could imagine is that not all of them would be alive by the end. 

The cast of characters include:

Will and Ruthie who met just a few short months ago and have decided to get married. Ruthie has not met Will’s friends and quite frankly doesn’t really care about them. Ruthie has an agenda and she’s sticking to it. Will just thinks he’s in love. Again.

Alex and Cassie who met in college and have a young daughter have amazing careers. A great life. Although they felt obligated to attend, they would rather have stayed home. Too bad they didn’t listen to their instincts.

Mitch and Sienna are friends. Sienna comes as Mitch’s plus one. Mitch is one of the friends from college and because of his past, they treat him with kid gloves. As for Sienna, she has feelings for Mitch, but he seems clueless.

The weekend immediately gets off to a rough start as they are the only ones on the island, there is a storm brewing and oh! they find a dead body in the trunk of a car. And it’s someone they know. Then of course someone goes out of their way to block the Wi-Fi and they are unable to get help. If that doesn’t get your attention, perhaps the severed head found in the shed will.

They realize someone is on the island with them and it looks like they are all in danger of being killed. But here is the question, why? Why them? As they begin to plan how to escape, their uninvited guest makes an appearance and seems to know all their secrets. But who is he? What are their secrets?

As they try to lie their way off the island, violence ensues and it’s everyone for themselves. But what they are hiding will kill someone. And of course, that’s when they begin to turn on each other.

The Engagement Party is an agonizingly exciting story with unbelievable twists and an ending which you will never see coming and never forget! Note to self…engagement parties are way too stressful!

Thank you #NetGalley #WilliamMorrowPaperbacks #TheEngagementParty #DarbyKane for the advanced copy.

The Curse of Penryth Hall by Jess Armstrong

The Curse of Penryth Hall is a wonderful compilation of genres rolled together in a terrific dark murder mystery with a heroic female heroine and a handsome sage set in gothic times. There are hidden past secrets, curious characters with dashes of intrigue and magic and of course a bit of romance all rolled into one. You will think you have won the lottery with this story!

Ruby Vaughn works at a bookstore in Exeter who has been asked by her co-worker to bring a box of books to a man in the woods. He is no ordinary person, and she is not allowed to look into the box. She knows this place and is hesitant to go because there is someone there, she would rather not see. 

But she goes and meets this seer whom she immediately dislikes. She then goes to visit her best friend, Tamsyn who lives in Penryth Hall with her now husband Edward Chenowyth. She and Tamsyn have not seen each other in years due to a bit of a falling out. Upon meeting Tamsyn’s husband, she immediately takes a dislike to him He is gruff and treats her friend badly. Convinced to stay the night, Ruby soon regrets the decision.

Suddenly she awakens to church bells ringing. She finds out that someone has died and the bells which have not rung for years mean a previous curse has been renewed. Then she discovers the dead person is her friend’s husband Edward. What? Can this be true? A curse?

Now Penryth Hall is thrown into chaos as there seems to be two sides, those who believe he was murdered by someone and those who believe the curse has killed him. Enter the handsome soothsayer Ruan Kivell who is convinced the curse has come back and will kill again. Ruby feels someone murdered the man because he was nasty. But then the doctor tells them that not only was he poisoned but after he was dead, he was stabbed.

Now it is up to Ruby and Ruan to investigate the death even though each believes the death was caused by something different, and Ruby herself seems to be a target! Who would want to kill her and is there really a foolish curse? As the town awaits the next death, it seems all are suspects!

As the investigation continues, the one person who seems to have a reason to kill Edward is her dear friend Tamsyn. But would she try to kill Ruby too? Haste is a necessity now as clearly someone else will die. Can Ruby and Ruan agree to disagree and find out what is really going on in this small town? Is this a crime or a curse?

The Curse of Penryth Hall will keep you enchantingly engaged throughout the mysteriously engrossing story!

Thank you #Net Galley #MinotaurBooks #JessArmstrong #TheCurseofPenrythHall for the advanced copy.

The Fiction Writer by Jill Cantor

The Fiction Writer was an amazingly surprising and intensely mysterious page turner which you don’t want to end. For those who have read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier or a fan of the author, you will have won the lottery with this one! Even if you are new to du Maurier or Rebecca, not only will you completely enjoy the story, but the Rebecca tease will have you reading this book as well.

Olivia Fitzgerald is a very down and out writer. Her first book was a moderate success, her second, Becky, a new take on the book Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier did not sell very well at all. Now, she not only faces writer’s block trying to piece together a new story but has an unhappy agent who she thinks will drop her and a boyfriend of many years who has decided to move out. So, she now sits paralyzed in her life with only her new pet goldfish to keep her company.

But that all changes when she gets a call from her agent about a job in Malibu, California as a ghostwriter for a billionaire named Henry Ashwood who lost his wife in an accident last year. He specifically asked for Olivia to write a book about his grandmother who he claims was the actual writer of Rebecca and du Maurier stole it from her. Now, there have been a few others who have claimed this, but none could prove it. He says he has his grandmother’s diaries and insists he has the proof. The only caveat, he has requested she sign a non-disclosure agreement. But the money he is offering her is too outrageous to turn down, so off Olivia goes to write the story, even though she only has written fiction in the past.

But once there, she soon discovers inconsistencies in Ash’s story, and these mysterious diaries don’t seem to exist. Ash’s housekeeper hates Olivia even though she has no idea why. Olivia thinks she is in love with the mysterious billionaire. Her visits to the mansion go from wonderful to terrifying. Her own book, Becky seems to be some sort of catalyst to Ash, and she has no idea why. As Olivia begins to learn more about his grandmother, she seems to accidentally discover that perhaps his wife who died accidentally was murdered. Why does he really want her here? The longer she stays, the more she realizes something is wrong and she needs to get away. 

As Olivia fights to find the truth, she suddenly discovers she herself is in danger because of her questions. And when she agrees to go to a Gala with Ash, well…let’s just say that is the final straw. But will she be allowed to leave? Has she discovered too much?

The Fiction Writer is truly a unique take on a beloved gothic novel, modernized for today’s world with flawed characters and anxiety ridden twists and turns.

Thank you #NetGalley #ParkRow #JillCantor #TheFictionWriter for the advanced copy.