The Princess Of Las Vegas by Chris Bohjalian

Chris Bohjalian has yet another exciting, fast paced mystery with a modern gangster theme story under his belt. The Princess Of Las Vegas combines a Princess Diana impersonator with a new type of criminal set in the somewhat shady city of Las Vegas. It also has a bit of humor and dead bodies. But the main characters are a woman impersonator, her sister and her sister’s new adopted teenage daughter. What on earth could go wrong?

Crissy Dowling works at the Buckingham Palace Casino in Las Vegas as a Princess Diana impersonator. She has been able to transform herself and her image into the late great Princess Di. Her show is a sell out every night. She is why people come to the Buckingham. But Crissy’s life growing up was not healthy. She still has some emotional and physical scars which she understands and uses to portray Diana. She’s a pro at not eating and medicating herself. Hidden to most everybody. But now, she is alone as her boyfriend has decided to go back to his wife. And to make matters worse, one of the owners of the Casino has decided to kill himself throwing the whole organization into chaos.

Now, for some reason she is being asked to get in touch with a woman coming for her ex-boyfriend’s senate position. No reason as to why, but her job seems to be on the line if she chooses to ignore the request.

Meanwhile, in a state very far away, Vermont, her sister Betsy who was a social worker with whom Crissy has been pretty much estranged from since their mother’s death, has fallen in love with a cryptocurrency fanatic who has a scheme to make them millions. She has also decided to adopt a teenager named Marissa and move across the country to none other than Las Vegas where her boyfriend says they will make a killing. And by the way Betsy, looks just like Crissy who looks just like Princess Diana. That’s all I’m saying.

That’s when all their lives begin to intertwine and take dramatic turns in which more people will die the real mystery will be why? What is going on. Then Crissy discovers her home, Buckingham Palace is being sold and if she doesn’t cooperate, she won’t have a job and possibly her life. Soon Betsy and Marissa discover what happens in Vegas may just land them staying in Vegas…as corpses.

In The Princess Of Las Vegas, we seem to have it all! Murder, suicide, fake identities, high tech plots, fraud and one very curious teenager.

Thank you #NetGalley #Doubleday #ChrisBohjalian #ThePrincessOfLasVegas for the advanced copy.

The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist by Sophie Gonzales

Sophie Gonzales has upped her writing game in The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist, with an adorable story which will satisfy a multitude of literary genres, including young adult, LGBT, romance, fantasy/science-fiction and of course, her wicked sense of humor.

Ivy Winslow is looking forward to the upcoming week. Her parents will be away, and she will have the house all to herself. Of course, as a young girl in high school, she is being guarded by her former best friend Mack’s parents who live across the street. But for the most part she eagerly looks forward to eating junk food and watching her favorite show with her only friend, Henry.

Sure, she misses her best friend Mack, who she spent almost every day with basically her whole life, but because of stupidness, jealousy and stubbornness on both girl’s part, they have stopped speaking. Yes, perhaps if Ivy was truly honest, she did have a bit of a crush on Mack, but she is sure it certainly was not reciprocated.

So, when Ivy goes to sleep that first night, she never would have imagined awaking to find a guy in her bedroom staring at her who says his name is Weston, but he looks identical to the main character of her favorite show, H-Mad. He seems to think they are in love and will live happily ever after. He has plans for the two of them. She has no idea what this is about and how this could have possibly happened. But Weston begins causing problems from the get-go.

With no one else to turn to, she finally tells Henry and gulp, yes Mack. She needs help trying to figure out how to get rid of Weston! At least by the time her parents get home! But Weston does not want to leave and will do anything in his power and yes, he does have powers to prevent Ivy and her friends from getting rid of him.

In reality what actually starts to occur is the three anti-friends decide to work together to get rid of Weston, and as they begin to get close to each other, open up to each other and discover you can leave your past issues behind forgive what has happened and what has been said, start anew with new friendships and even find confidence and yes, love. Poor Weston!

Thank you #NetGalley #WednesdayBooks #SophieGonzales #ThePerfectGuyDoesn’tExist for the advanced copy.

Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering

Bye, Baby is a thriller with secrets galore! You may even find yourself even rooting for the alleged villain and anxious that they will get caught. How many times does that ever happen? You see, everyone who does something terrible is not always someone terrible… even if they kidnap their best friend’s baby!

Billie and Cassie spent every day together since childhood. They know everything there is to know about each other as well as those buried secrets that are never talked about. Deep dark secrets. Billie grew up with a mother and stepfather, not the happiest of childhoods, and had little money. She hated her stepfather. Cassie grew up with a well-off grandmother and based all her decisions on who or what could move her up the social ladder. Now, Bille helps run an elite travel agency and Cassie has married a handsome wealthy man, has a newborn baby and a job as an influencer on social media and an upcoming clothes company which keeps her very busy.

So busy, that for the first time in their lives, Billie and Cassie are not as close as they used to be. At least that’s how Billie feels. Cassie seems to have moved on from their friendship with a brand-new set of upper-class friends, all married with children and enjoys the new lifestyle she has created. The relationship has shifted. Billie feels it, Cassie ignores it. Billie tries to fight for their friendship, but in the end is hurt by Cassie’s lack of attention.

Cassie feels that Billie, who has not been in a relationship in a very long time, should start to look for someone and settle down and start her own family, something Billie is not sure she ever wants to do. But why can’t they just continue to be best friends?

As Billie feels this horrible sense of the loss, she finds out Cassie is having a birthday bash in which she wasn’t even invited to. And then something in Billie snaps and she finds herself doing something totally out of character. She takes Cassie’s baby.

As the story opens, we find Billie looking down at a baby and Cassie screaming her name from somewhere. And this is where the ride of your life will begin. The good, the bad and the horrible.

Told in past and present chapters we slowly learn about Billie and Cassie. We also discover their dark secrets. Ones that could easily destroy both of them. But this means nothing compared to how Billie has just ruined her life.

How did Billie get to this point? Why has Cassie abandoned her? What on earth does she do now that she has committed this terrible crime?

Bye, Baby is an intense story about friendship, jealousy, loss and forgiveness, but more importantly, choices we make in life. Sometimes you must say bye to the past, in order to have a future.

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’sPress #CarolaLovering #Bye,Baby for the advanced copy.

Finding Sophie by Imran Mahmood

Finding Sophie is an incredibly complex look at a relationship during a time of crisis. But it is a psychological thriller which will continually keep you guessing as to what on earth could happen next. As you fall in love with the couple, Harry and Zara, as they optimistically search for their daughter Sophie who has disappeared, you see the breakdown of their marriage and the difference in how they each deal with their grief.

Harry and Zara King’s 15-year-old daughter has gone missing. Their only child, Sophie is the light of their lives. But, as they notice her temperament changing, they chalk it up to teenage rebellion. But an incident prior to her disappearance haunts them both in different ways.

They can barely look at each other as they both separately try and discover what could have happened to their Sophie. They discover they really didn’t know their daughter at all. Some clues emerge, not good ones and there is suspicion that the man who lives in a house on the street, 210, who will not let the police in, nor will he talk to Harry and Zara makes the couple distrustful of him.

Their grief is palpable, but their guilt unbearable. They try not to blame each other. But, they also want to fight this fight separately rather than together.

Fast forward to some chapters in which a trial is occurring. We have no idea who the defendant is or what the crime could be. Our clues are sparse until we discover the truth.

What would you do if your child went missing? Is love enough? Would you do anything in your power to find the child? Not matter what that meant? Or would you keep all those feelings in, blaming the other, but never giving up the idea that she just has to be alive, even when all the clues go another way. Can a marriage be strong enough to endure the heartbreak of a missing child?

In Finding Sophie there will be sadness, but there will also be something deeper than love. Passion. To not only find out what happened to their child, but to make sure she will somehow always know they loved her enough to never stop looking.

Thank you #NetGalley #Bantam #Imram Mahmood #Finding Sophie for the advanced copy.

The Fortune Seller by Rachel Kapeke-Dale

The Fortune Seller is a well-crafted story about greed, jealousy and social pecking order in today’s society. It throws together a group of women who live together at Yale, some incredibly rich, while others, barely making ends meet. You definitely can tell these women’s differences not only in the way they dress, but the way they act, to each other. Not only does the story show the struggles of those attempting to move up in the world, but it also lets the reader envision the life of the wealthy and the comparison of what they both consider problems in their lives. But, more importantly it shows what some people, both the rich and the poor will do in order to climb the social and financial ladder, and what happens when they begin to fall off.

Rose Macalister has just gotten back to Yale after being away on a year abroad program. She is all smiles because although she has no money, she has been able to save during the past year. But as she enters the apartment she shares with her best friend Cressida Tate, daughter of the uber-wealthy Grayson Tate, and her other roommates, she realizes a year can change everything. She discovers there is a new person in their group, her name is Annelise Tattinger who is on the Equestrian team and seems to ooze money and Rose is now sharing a room with her. She feels replaced.

Her best friend Cressida, also on the team, seems armored with her new roommate. Rose is very upset with this because she really wants to get a job working in finance at her father’s company after graduation. Rose’s sole goal is to be able to make money so she can help her parents and she herself and, never have to worry about money again.

But as Annelise and Rose’s relationship begins to grow, she begins to see a different side of this roommate. First off, she knows how to read Tarot cards which Rose soon becomes obsessed with and she teaches Rose the ins and outs of being a good reader…ask the real questions, the ones in your heart and you will get the real answers.

But Cressida sees Annelise as competition. First because she’s a better rider, but also because she seems to have taken Rose away from her. As the women begin to bicker among themselves, and then an accident occurs and an issue with money and those two problems will change their lives forever.

Fast forward to after graduation and Rose is working in the office of Grayson Tate. Not as a financial wizard, but as his assistant. The money is good, but the work not so much. When you are so low on the totem pole you are barely acknowledged. Then Rose discovers something shocking. Unfortunately, those who have all the power can try to ruin the lives of those who have nothing.

And that is when Rose not only decides to change her life but acknowledge that her past was not who she really wanted to be. If she could have only foreseen her future. Would she have changed it? Would she have done things differently? More importantly is it too late to make on this road she has been following for so long.

What The Fortune Seller shows us is that even though the rich get richer, they too sometimes cannot afford what life throws at them, and for those who are just your ordinary average person trying to make ends meet, their lives can sometimes be so very rich. It doesn’t take cards to predict your future, just the life you lead.

Thank you #NetGalley # St.Martin’sPress #TheFortuneSeller #RachelKapeke-Dale for the advanced copy.

Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate

Twenty-Seven Minutes is an absolutely compelling story about a car accident which occurred a decade ago and the horrific trauma which the survivors have lived with through their lives and how because of the tragedy the directions of their lives were changed forever. As the full story of the incident which took place on a bridge is relayed, it comes out that there were twenty-seven minutes which were unaccounted for. The book slowly goes back and relays what happened that fateful night and how those who survived remember the accident.

So, what happened during those twenty-seven minutes?

A decade has passed since a high school student, Phoebe Dean died in a car accident which occurred on a dangerous bridge in the small town of West Milner. Phoebe was perfection. Beautiful, smart and excited about leaving this small town with her brother Grant and moving to the big city and becoming someone.

Although those who were in the car on the bridge that rainy night, have foggy memories of just what happened, the one thing they have in common is that the accident and death destroyed their own lives, and they were changed that night.

Especially Grant, who was in the truck with his sister. He was a football star going places. Now, years later he can barely keep a job and drinks too much. Then there is Becca who was also in the truck and can’t remember much, but Grant has told her what happened, and they have had a pact never to tell. Becca has had a massive crush on Grant all these years, and Grant to this day always keeps Becca at arm’s length because she had issues before the accident and now is even worse.

At the time of the accident, the Sherrif always felt something was off about what went wrong on the bridge and felt there were extra minutes, twenty-seven to be exact which were unaccounted for. But they stuck to their story, and nothing could be proven.

And then there is June who was also in high school with the group and although was not at the bridge that evening, is now alone. Her mother has just died and her brother Wiley, who had been a troublemaker at the time, ran away years ago and her mother was devastated, and the town basically disowned them when he left and when her mother passed no one even came to the cemetery.

Now, with the memorial days away, and a vote to tear down the bridge coming up, Grant and Becca are beside themselves. You see, they know what happened on the bridge…or so they think. Someone knows…

Twenty-Seven Minutes will have you on the edge of your seat, engrossed in the story trying to figure out just what happened that night. And when all is revealed, just know it will shock and surprise you to your core!

Thank you #NetGalley #PoisenedPenPress #AshelyTate #Twenty-SevenMinutes for the advanced copy.

Everyone Is Watching by Heather Gudenkauf

Everyone Is Watching is a masterclass in excitement, thrill and psychological drama. The story has so many moving parts and is quite compelling. It will keep you on your toes and also keep you shocked and surprised.

What would you do for ten million dollars?

This is the premise of the plot. A reality show, One Lucky Winner is offering one of five contestants ten million dollars if they can complete the arduous, physical challenges as well as the puzzles and emotional stress in order to win. The catch…they were offered the spots on the show. They will be broadcast live so the fans will be able to see the good, the bad and the horror.

The creator of the show Cat and her assistant Fern have worked tirelessly to put this show together. Set in a castle, (Cat’s ex-husband’s), as they await the arrival of the participants, there is already trouble in paradise! Something truly unexpected occurs.

The guests begin to arrive and rather than using their names they use pseudonyms which is how the audience will view them. They are:

The Best Friend, The Confidant, The Senator, The Boyfriend and The Executive.

Their phones are taken away and they are told they are not allowed to leave the premises, or they forfeit their chances of winning. They must also sign a waiver that the show is not responsible if they are hurt or die. DIE?

Thus begins the excruciating challenges. Some of the participants will try to not rock the boat, others will do everything in their power to torture the others. Suddenly the contestants begin to discover that perhaps their being chosen was not just random. They seem to have something in common. But what? How are they all connected?

As they begin to play the game and find clues, they start to realize their deepest, darkest secrets are about to be exposed. That my friends is what the game is all about! What is happening? Their mistakes are being exposed one clue at a time with millions watching them! They will be ruined.

As the game continues, the contestants begin to turn on each other. Panic sets in. The challenges, dangerous. Is this really worth the money? Who has it out for them?

Everyone Is Watching is scandalous, yet deviously enjoyable. The reader can’t get enough of the twists and unexpected turns with an awe dropping ending to what seems is a game filled with lies and past secrets which come back to haunt and perhaps destroy those who decided to play the game.

Heather Gudenkauf is the critically acclaimed author of several novels, including the New York Times bestsellers The Weight of Silence and The Overnight Guest. She lives in Iowa with her husband and children.

The Best Friend. The Confidant. The Senator. The Boyfriend. The Executive.

Five contestants have been chosen to compete for ten million dollars on the game show One Lucky Winner. The catch? None of them knows what (or who) to expect, and it will be live streamed all over the world. Completely secluded in an estate in Northern California, with strict instructions not to leave the property and zero contact with the outside world, the competitors start to feel a little too isolated.

When long-kept secrets begin to rise to the surface, the contestants realize this is no longer just a reality show—someone is out for blood. And the game can’t end until the world knows who the contestants really are…

Thank you #NetGalley #ParkRow #HeatherGudenkauf #EveryoneIsWatching for the advanced copy.

The Kamogawa Food Detective by Hisashi Kashiwai

The Kamogawa Food Detectives is a uniquely beautiful enjoyable book whose stories combine tantalizing food dishes with the search of said dish by people’s long-lost memories. All this done by a father-daughter food detective team. It’s completely satisfying with remarkable food dishes as well as the mysteries surrounding them. For those able to find the detectives, they hope their search for the missing taste will also help them find the peace they are searching for in their life.

Although they own a restaurant, the father-daughter duo also has an advertisement in a food magazine which allows those who find the ad, to find the detective agency within the restaurant. The clients come in and relay a memory of a certain dish they were fed, try to give as much information about who, what and where they were when they ate it, and then leave the rest to the detectives. Along with the detectives, is an adorable cat named Drowsy, who seems to have terrific intuition as to the emotions of the people trying to find their memory.

Without giving too much away from this delightful story, there are four people who come to visit the detective agency. The food dish stories are:

Nabeyaki Udon which is about a man seeking resolution in order to move on with his life.

Beef Stew about lost love, but was it really lost?

Mackerel Sushi about forgetting where you came from and the importance of the past in order to live in the present.

Napolitan Spaghetti is about food memories which we see and feel one way, not realizing what the truth was from the past which follows us forever.

The Kamogawa Food Detectives is a book of hugs. One for the stories and one for the readers.

Thank you #NetGalley #G.P.Putnam’sSons #HisashiKachiwai #TheKamogawaFoodDetectives for the advanced copy.

Come & Get It by Kiley Reid

Come & Get It is a story about a group of students, some RA’s and a professor at the University of Arkansas and how they all become entwined in a complicated relationship/friendship and how their pasts both create their present and will affect their futures due to incidents which occur at the University over a short period of time. The plot is imaginatively, yet, possible and probable when you stop to think about the narrative.

It begins with a visiting professor, Agatha Paul who is there to write a book about weddings. She gets permission to ask some of the female student’s questions. The questions turn into more than she expected from these southern girls. She then gets permission from the Senior RA, Millie Cousins, who is 24 and older than most students at the college to use her room which is located next to the suite in which the girls are located to listen to them. She agrees.

But Millie has her own problems with this suite of girls. They come to her with caddy questions about each other and then they decide to pull a prank on her and another RA. They decide to reciprocate back, perhaps not the best idea. And that starts a war of the roses type situation.

Meanwhile, Professor Paul is getting incredible stories from these girls and bringing them to a magazine and starts to get paid for them. The girls start to really not get along and we have some mental health issues complicating the girls’ relationships. All seems to be going well until the whole thing backfires on everyone! Millie had no idea what else Agatha had been writing about. And she is stunned.

With bits and pieces which come out about the past lives and issues of all these women, it’s no wonder things went wrong so fast!

Come & Get It is an interesting look at college life as seen through the eyes of a group of women who want so much but have everything to lose. Will the outcome change them for the better? We will see.

Thank you #NetGalley #G.P.PutnamSons #KileyReid #Come&GetIt for the advanced copy.

Not Your Crush’s Cauldron by April Asher

Not Your Crush’s Cauldron is the third installment of Asher’s adorable series Supernatural Singles. As with the first two, it follows the life and non-existent love life of the third triplet sister in a witch family. It’s funny, sexy and imaginatively creative. It’s an easy, enjoyable read if you are looking for something soft and feel-good.

Olive Maxwell is a witch who is a serious professor. She is always embarrassed by her two sisters’ antics. Especially when it comes to their love lives. Olive has no time for a love life. She is too busy with work and her students to look for a partner. Plus, she feels as if compared to her two beautiful sisters, she can’t compare anyway. But with that said, she has recently moved into an apartment (as roommates, of course) with the most handsome, sexy man she has ever seen, Bax Donovan who works as a guardian angel.

Of course, she realizes he could never see her as anything other than the person he lives with as Olive sees her life as very routine oriented even to the clothes she wears on certain days. But that begins to change when she assigns a project to her students having them make a list of items they want to do which are totally out of their comfort zone. Then do them and write a paper on what happened. But after overhearing two co-workers discussing her, she decides she too will attempt the assignment as well. Her list is honest, uncomfortable and awkward. Some items even terrifying. But she decides to close her eyes and take the proverbial plunge.

In the meantime, Bax, who finds Olive to be an absolute angel and beautiful gets his next assignment. It is to watch and protect Olive. At first Bax thinks, what a piece of cake! Olive follows the rules and always stays out of trouble. Until he realizes what she is planning on doing and she could get herself into a great deal of trouble.

So now he must somehow watch her without her knowing what he is doing. But what ends up happening is the more they are together, the more he discovers how terrific and wonderful she is. But this cannot happen! He is her protector not her boyfriend. He begins to assist her on her crazy schemes and enjoys what is on her list. But the challenge soon becomes very difficult as he begins to fall in love, an absolute rule breaker in his line of work. He also starts to learn more about himself and whether this job is truly what makes him happy. All because of Olive!

And then unfortunately Olive finds out and an angry witch is someone who does not play!

Not Your Crush’s Cauldron is laugh out loud hysterical, with a great story in which someone who tries to go beyond their comfort zone to try new things without feeling embarrassed or afraid and starts to learn many life lessons. It’s about finding out things you never imagined not only about yourself, but about others. And having a whole new world open up in front of your eyes. It’s just a great romp!

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’s/Griffin #AprilAsher #NotYourCrush’sCauldren for the advanced copy.