Diva by Daisy Goodwin

Daisy Goodwin’s riveting historical fiction book Diva is a juicy, heartbreaking look at a certain time in the career of arguably one of the most famous opera singers, Maria Callas. It covers a period in her life where because of her age, she knows she perhaps has only a bit of time left to do what she is passionate about, sing. It also delves deeply into her longtime relationship with Greek tycoon, Aristotle Onassis and their torrid affair which ended when he shockingly (especially to Callas) married Jacqueline Kennedy. Callas seems to never have recovered from the trauma of that relationship and Onassis’ deceptions during their romance.

It also gives insight into why Callas worked so hard to be the number one opera singer. All through her life she never felt loved by her mother, who just continually pushed her and always felt her sister Jackie should have been the famous one. Their sad estrangement is documented in the story as well. It also alludes to a developed eating disorder as Callas her whole life was conscious of being overweight and humiliated as a child.

Mostly, the story in great detail explains how one of the most famous vocalists of our time was not very confident, how her husband Tito who was her agent pushed her incredibly hard because he was more interested in the money than their marriage which he treated as a corporation, never really allowing her to rest and pushing her even when she felt unwell to sing.

But that all changed when Callas met Aristotle Onassis. There was an immediate connection. But he was married and so was she. But they started an affair even though Callas knew Onassis was a playboy. He made her feel as if she was the only true love of his life. They both ended up divorcing, but sadly would never marry as Onassis kept putting off the asking even though Callas kept hoping for the ring.

Onassis, not a fan of opera really took no time to see Callas’ performances and she suspected him of cheating which Goodwin goes into great detail in the book. One can only sympathize for the way he treated Callas and how it affected the rest of her life.

Scattered throughout the story are sensational tales of the rich and famous and their lavish lifestyles, especially when traveling on Onassis’ yacht, Christina O. There are many accounts of richly spending and shocking waste.

Diva is a story filled with heartache, heartbreak and loss. It’s the story of a woman who as a child felt worthless and was able to pull herself up and leave all that behind and become the famous diva the world will always remember her as. But even with all that, her greatest regret was losing the love of her life.

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’sPress #DaisyGoodwin #Diva for the advanced copy.