A Murder Most French by Colleen Cambridge

A Murder Most French is a delicious addition to the Tabitha Knight/Julia Child imaginative murder mystery series. The second to be exact, and hopefully not the last. The series revolves around a young American chef in training who becomes friends with the not yet too famous Julia Child, and they find themselves in extraordinary dangerous predicaments which they along with an eclectic funny cast try to assist the police in solving. All the while, Tabitha’s mentor, Julia, helps to teach her student how to cook mouthwatering dishes which the reader is fortunate enough to glimpse.

As the story opens, we find Tabitha and Julia at the French outdoor market buying ingredients for Tabitha’s dinner which she will prepare (hopefully correctly) for her Oncle Rafe and Grand-Pere whom she lives with while living in France.

When Julia invites Tabitha to the Cordon Bleu Cooking School where Julia is studying to watch a presentation on wine, never in either of their wildest dreams did they imagine they would witness a premiere chef open a very old, expensive bottle of wine, take a sip and drop dead!

Unfortunately, the bottle had been given to Tabitha to give to the chef by a young street boy. It was sealed and had a tag on it. But when the police arrive and confiscate the bottle, Tabitha realizes the label is missing. Why?

Of course, Tabitha becomes a suspect along with everyone else in the room and decides she must poke around to see how this could have happened. And of course, her detective frenemy tells her to stay out of it! And then a second chef is killed in the exact same way only this time the tag is still on the bottle. Finally, a clue! But what does it mean?

As Tabitha and Julia go down Alice’s rabbit hole of trying to figure out just what is happening, they soon learn of tunnels under the restaurants which store vintage and expensive wines brought over by the German during the war. Could this be a clue?

As Tabitha takes the reigns and Julia cooks the meals, Tabitha, against the advice of the lead detective with whom she has a love-hate-love relationship with finds herself in a dangerous situation as she discovers the killer is on to her.

A Murder Most French is a wonderfully humorous story with a delightful plot, scrumptious recipes (which are from Julia Child) and of course, a surprise ending. As I wrote when I reviewed the first book in the series, Mastering the Art of French Murder, as you read, please hear Julia’s words as you know she would say them. It makes the story even better!

Thank you #NetGalley #Kensington #ColleenCambridge #AMurderMost French for the advanced copy.

Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth

Once again Hepworth has created an incredibly complex, can’t put down psychological thriller in which her characters, secretly traumatized from their childhood which has carried over into adulthood, must face their past once again and deal with the lives they created.

Jessica, Nora and Alicia have been bonded since their childhood living in a foster home. Although not real sisters in the sense of having the same parents, their history connected them forever.

They were each foster children who were taken in as young girls to the Wild Meadows foster home in which Miss Fairchild, a never married bitter woman was their “mother”. Clearly mentally unstable, she hid it well. But, unbeknownst to anyone, what was occurring in the home was not only physical but emotional torture. They lived in fear and were afraid to say anything. Miss Fairchild was brutal. Locking them in a basement, eating off floors and making them feel useless was a daily event. All they had was each other.

But finally, as teenagers, they were able to get away from her and start new lives, but through it all, remained sisters, still taking care of each other no matter what the situation they got into. Deep down, they never forgot what happened to them and of course it affected their lives in ways they perhaps were not completely aware.

Then unexpectedly they are each called by a detective from the small town where they grew up and were told that bones had been discovered under the Wild Meadows foster home. Their nightmare house. They needed to come back to they could be interviewed.

As they travel together to a town, they never wanted to step foot in again once they left, they tell us their stories about their childhoods and how they tried to protect each other, and we learn of their adult lives and what secrets they now have which were possibly deep down inside caused by what happened to them.

When they get there, they each relive the horror in their own ways, but more importantly they need to know whose bones were under the house. Are they to blame? Did they do something by leaving when they did that caused this to happen?

And as sisters they will come together and face the good, the bad and the ugly of their pasts and try if they could help figure out if they missed something or someone all those years ago.

Darling Girls will shake you to the core with its suspenseful story and stunning ending as we all discover the mystery of whose bones lay under the house where they found each other, but where their lives were changed forever.

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’sPress #SallyHepworth #DarlingGirls for the advanced copy.

Every Time I Go on Vacation Someone Dies by Catherine Mack

If you want to read a hysterically, funny story I would highly recommend the book Every Time I Go on Vacation Someone Dies by best known author Catherine McKenzie whose books are thrillers but is writing this series? one can only hope and pray, other the name Catherine Mack! Yes, it’s a mystery but more important it is a comedy of errors and sentence after sentence of laughter, most of which are in the funniest footnotes I have ever read!

Eleanor Dash is a famous mystery author (she tells the story and also give the reader the footnotes) who has decided to end her very beloved The Vacation Mystery series. But what nobody knows just yet, not even her publisher is she plans on killing off her main character Connor Smith who is a real-life person who she actually dated and solved a real crime with which included a real-life Mafia family and took place in Italy many years ago. Everyone knows the character is based on someone she knew, intimately, but what they don’t know is he has been blackmailing her for years. I will let Eleanor through her footnotes tell you how that came to be.

Now Eleanor finds herself back in Italy doing research for the last book with not only Connor, but her assistant who is her sister Harper, a group of other authors and a group of her rabid…I mean loyal fans to accompany her on this book tour, something her publisher for some reason put together.

So, when Connor tells them all he was almost killed and thinks someone is trying to kill him, Eleanor is quite taken aback. Yes, she plans to kill him but not THAT way! Then to her surprise she discovers that Oliver, her one true love? is here as well and oh yes, someone seems to want her dead too! Is this real? Sure, maybe someone would want to kill Connor, but her? No way!

And then of course, someone really does get killed, no one they expected to get killed and oh by the way one of the book tour fans is actually her stalker from back home. The Italian police become involved, and the head officer is the spitting image of Stanley Tucci. Please keep that memory in your head for when you read the book. He was the officer who assisted in the crime Eleanor and Connor solved years ago.

Now, Eleanor feels she must figure out what is going on before 1. she is killed, 2. she makes a mistake with Oliver or 3. Connor is killed (that certainly wouldn’t bode well for her book).

Every Time I Go on Vacation Somone Dies is the funniest book I have read in a very long time. It has such an imaginable plot and footnotes which will make you laugh out loud. I am serious! Please, please Catherine Mack, make this a series!

Thank you #NetGalley #MinotourBooks #CatherineMack #EveryTimeIGoonVacationSomeoneDies for the advanced copy.

Nosy Neighbors by Freya Sampson

We all know someone who is nosy. But sometimes the snooper can take it to a different level. Sometimes it’s just that they are bored. Other times it could perhaps be for another reason no one knows about. In Nosy Neighbor we discover the many different types of being nosy. The book is funny, mysterious, heartwarming and surprising as a group of residents from different backgrounds who live in a complex and who are not too cordial with each other, all with secrets, must somehow join together and not only try and solve a crime but also save their residence before it’s too late.

The apartment complex is called Shelley House. It is an aged building and some of the occupants have been there for decades. But when a young woman with multi-colored hair named Kat sublets with one of the older tenants named Joseph, the biggest busy body of them all, Dorothy is disgusted and angered.

Dorothy, who was married but has lived alone in her apartment for many years keeps a daily diary of all the goings on and activities that occur during the day. This includes what is happening at the other resident’s apartments as well as what is happening outside of the building. She sist at her table, drinks tea and takes copious notes and keeps logs. She rarely speaks to any neighbor and if she does it’s to inform them of something more than likely against breaking rules…hers!

So when Kat moves in to Joseph’s apartment, she takes an immediate dislike to the young girl. But in Kat’s defense, she doesn’t really want to be there either, but she has some secret unfinished business she needs to attend to so she can put this town behind her forever.

But, when the owner of the building decides to evict the residence so he can tear down the building, Dorothy cannot and will not accept this. She decides to ignore it. Another tenant Joseph decides they must fight to keep their home safe. But as Joseph begins his campaign to stop the evictions, he is hurt in his apartment. At first, they thought due to his age he perhaps tripped, but it is soon discovered someone attacked him. He is hospitalized and Kat decides she must try and figure out who tried to hurt Joseph.

Dorothy unfortunately does not want to help Kat, but over time agrees to assist with Joseph’s dog, a Jack Russell who is miserable without him and takes care of him while Kat is at work. As time goes by, Dorothy and Kat will discover that even with their age gap, they have a great deal in common. They both have had great heartbreak and loss in their lives and that has changed them forever.

And with this blooming friendship, Dorothy’s snooping and Kat’s investigating come together and they discover not only what happened to Joseph, but also much, much more. Will it stop the evictions? Who really knows, but what they do discover is that the residents of Shelley House need each other and surprisingly understand each other.

And what about Kat? Why did she come back? What has she experienced to make her so angry and untrusting?

Out of hurt and anger sometimes can come forms of peace and acceptance in this charming, witty, reflective story in which a group of neighbors not only try to save their home, but also, their lives.

Thank you #NetGalley #Berkley #FreyaSampson #NosyNeighbors for the advanced copy.

The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill

The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill, author of the thriller The Woman In The Library has once again outdone herself in this new exciting, unpredictable and imaginative story. With so many elements for a terrific read…mystery, conspiracy, murder and disappearances, no one could ask for more in this psychological nail-biter.

Theodore (Theo) Benton has decided to give up a budding career as a lawyer and while still in law school she decides to drop out become a writer and lands on her brother Gus’ doorstep armed with an almost completed manuscript. Gus, an attorney adores his sister and supports her decision.

So, Theo begins to write her novel in a diner, someplace away from Gus’ apartment. There, she meets another writer, a bit famous who himself is trying finish his novel. He becomes a mentor to her of sorts and they grow close. But then Theo’s life begins to unravel as he is found dead in his house, and she unfortunately is the person who found him. All she remembers is seeing a man run from the scene. She discovers the manuscript he was writing has disappeared.

Suddenly, she and her brother become unlikely suspects in this murder with Gus never even knowing the other writer. At the same time two unusual situations occur. First, a secret conspiracy group who believed the writer to somehow be the leader of their cult have decided Theo killed him and second, the publishing company which published the dead writer has informed Theo they would like to represent her and publish her novel.

But when more murders occur the police find evidence that Theo’s brother Gus was the killer. Gus injured and, in the hospital, awakens to find Theo has confessed to the murders and disappeared. He knows neither of them did any such thing. He begins to search for her, but years pass and although he doesn’t give up, he feels as if he will never find her.

Until suddenly someone gives Gus a book which is on the best seller list. As he reads it something seems familiar. The writing…could it be?

The Mystery Writer will keep you entertained and captivated as the story plays out and all the different worlds begin to collide into one unforeseen ending.

Thank you #NetGalley #PoisenedPenPress #SulariGentill #TheMysteryWriter for the advanced copy.

Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate

Twenty-Seven Minutes is an absolutely compelling story about a car accident which occurred a decade ago and the horrific trauma which the survivors have lived with through their lives and how because of the tragedy the directions of their lives were changed forever. As the full story of the incident which took place on a bridge is relayed, it comes out that there were twenty-seven minutes which were unaccounted for. The book slowly goes back and relays what happened that fateful night and how those who survived remember the accident.

So, what happened during those twenty-seven minutes?

A decade has passed since a high school student, Phoebe Dean died in a car accident which occurred on a dangerous bridge in the small town of West Milner. Phoebe was perfection. Beautiful, smart and excited about leaving this small town with her brother Grant and moving to the big city and becoming someone.

Although those who were in the car on the bridge that rainy night, have foggy memories of just what happened, the one thing they have in common is that the accident and death destroyed their own lives, and they were changed that night.

Especially Grant, who was in the truck with his sister. He was a football star going places. Now, years later he can barely keep a job and drinks too much. Then there is Becca who was also in the truck and can’t remember much, but Grant has told her what happened, and they have had a pact never to tell. Becca has had a massive crush on Grant all these years, and Grant to this day always keeps Becca at arm’s length because she had issues before the accident and now is even worse.

At the time of the accident, the Sherrif always felt something was off about what went wrong on the bridge and felt there were extra minutes, twenty-seven to be exact which were unaccounted for. But they stuck to their story, and nothing could be proven.

And then there is June who was also in high school with the group and although was not at the bridge that evening, is now alone. Her mother has just died and her brother Wiley, who had been a troublemaker at the time, ran away years ago and her mother was devastated, and the town basically disowned them when he left and when her mother passed no one even came to the cemetery.

Now, with the memorial days away, and a vote to tear down the bridge coming up, Grant and Becca are beside themselves. You see, they know what happened on the bridge…or so they think. Someone knows…

Twenty-Seven Minutes will have you on the edge of your seat, engrossed in the story trying to figure out just what happened that night. And when all is revealed, just know it will shock and surprise you to your core!

Thank you #NetGalley #PoisenedPenPress #AshelyTate #Twenty-SevenMinutes for the advanced copy.

The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins

The Heiress is a mystery in whose characters are mostly unlikable, with a suspenseful curious plot about greed, deep secrets, narcissism and murder…lots of murder. With one shocking twist after another, it will continually keep you enthralled and on your toes! It is so juicy!

It all begins with the disappearance of a young girl named Ruby McTavish from a very, very wealthy family who live on estate named Ashby House in North Carolina. She disappears during a picnic. Gone as if she never existed. Her mother, devastated falls to pieces. But, months later, a man emerges with Ruby and says he took her because his own daughter had died, and his wife was beside herself. End of story, right? Well, not really…

With Ruby back and a new sister born named Nellie, the emergence of hatred between not only them, but other family members begin. It is obvious that this is not your regular family, and as time passes you see that the McTavish’s get whatever they want. And as Ruby grows up, she realizes she must follow in her father’s footsteps as she is the heiress apparent. At a young age Ruby marries her first of four husbands. You see, they all seem to die…and she also decides to adopt a son. His name is Cam. 

As Cam grows up, as close as he is to his mother, or as close as she allows him, he sees the spectacle of the McTavish clan and realizes there is something wrong with them and eventually leaves and marries a woman named Jules. But when his uncle passes away, he must return to the famous Ashby House estate because you see, he is now the heir as Ruby died a while ago. The rest of the family needs money and he holds the purse strings, so he must put his fears and memories aside and go visit a place he has not stepped foot in for years. So as Cam and Jules, who seems excited at the prospect of seeing the infamous house, ascend on Ashby, he feels the hatred coming off his relatives, Nellie, his cousins Ben and Libby. The only ones left with the McTavish name. And they have an agenda and it’s not good!

Through a series of letters Ruby has written, we begin to see what dark family secrets have been hidden for years. How Ruby kept them all at bay and how she was able to keep secrets from them never to be found. But who were the letters meant for?

And as the jealousy and greed of those still alive begin to become apparent, Cam decides he needs to walk away again from this dysfunctional, evil group of relations. But Jules isn’t so sure. You see she has her own secrets. 

Can evil run in a family? Is it genetic? The Heiress will not disappoint and will keep you guessing until the end. Which of these materialistic, self-absorbed, egotistical relatives will finally try to burn the McTavish name down? The answer will shock you!

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’sPress #RachelHawkins #TheHeiress for the advanced copy.

The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett

The Christmas Appeal is a novella which once again follows the kooky bunch of actors who make up the Fairway Players, the acting troop who appeared in Hallett’s first novel, The Appeal. Most of the characters are new, but we do have a few of the cast from the original. A few things are the same. There is backstabbing, jealousy, revenge and oh yes, a murder! It is hilarious and in her enjoyable writing style, emails and texts, which makes for a quick delightful read.

Set during Christmas, a time of Peace on Earth and Goodwill, the Fairway Players have clearly not received the message. The Fairway gang under a new husband-wife directing team in Lower Lockwood, England some of whom are determined to unseat the couple. They seem to not be able to do anything right! So, while trying to put on a Christmas pageant, Jack and the Beanstalk, which of course some feel is stupid, they all seem to try and make each other miserable.

The production is for the children, which they all seem to have forgotten as they continue to fight and make fun of each other. The proceeds are to benefit the church which needs a roof repaired. But the beanstalk which had been used in a production years ago is in need of a cleaning as it will be the center of the story. Oh, how it will be the center!

But of course, everything begins to fall apart immediately, and as the date of the show nears, the beanstalk is deemed too big, the sweets are needed for the bags of goodies for the children, and unfortunately more patrons keep getting invited. Also, rumors begin to swirl about there being something terribly wrong with the beanstalk. The “candy” is delivered day of and as for the beanstalk, well of course during the show a skeleton falls out of it. But the audience thinks it’s part of the show and therefore the performance is deemed brilliant! Much to some people’s chagrin.

So once again we have our two levelheaded lawyers on the case with their now retired boss. They begin to sift through all the emails, texts, etc. to see if they can find out just what happened and how a body could have been left in the beanstalk for years and no one seem to know.

So, who on earth is the dead body? Who spread the rumor of there being something terribly wrong with the beanstalk? Will this be the end of the Fairway Players? With a few cameos from characters from The Appeal, The Christmas Appeal is a laugh out loud mystery which does not disappoint, and even if you think you’ve got it all figured out well, you’re probably wrong!

Happy Holidays!

The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose

Well, the maid we all love and adore, Molly Gray is back in The Mystery Guest. With the charm and heart from the first story, The Maid, we are again excited to learn what she has been up to lately, as well as a bit of her backstory, with her loving and forevermore gran, Flora, her teacher of all things. Molly has come a long way since we were first introduced to her, but she continues to be the honest, thought-provoking, sensitive, intelligent woman we have grown to treasure.

Since we last read about her, Molly has been promoted to head maid at the prestigious yet infamous Regency Grand Hotel, living with her boyfriend Juan in her gran’s apartment. Juan is away visiting his family when of course, another death occurs.

J.D. Grimthorpe, a famous mystery writer is about to make an important announcement about himself, and he has chosen Molly’s hotel to make the statement. Although he has not written a book in a very long time, it is the hope of his fans that he will tell them he is coming out with a sequel to his bestseller from years ago.

But just before he is going to make the announcement, he keels over and dies. It is soon discovered that someone has poisoned him. Now, Molly’s new maid-in-training, Lily is frightened because she thinks it’s always the maid. But Molly has faith that with a bit of investigating, the Regency Grant Hotel will be exonerated.

As Molly’s frenemy, Detective Stark once again is put on the case and of course eyes Molly suspiciously, Molly knows she did not kill the man. But unfortunately, Molly has a deep dark secret. When she was young, she and her gran had worked as maids for the Grimthorpe household, and it did not end well.

As she flashes back to that dreadful time, she begins to remember more about what happened when they worked for the mysterious writer. But clues of his death are sparse and when she sees her dear friend Mr. Preston doing something illegal, well her head begins to spin.

As Molly tries to put the clues together, realizing Grimthorpe was not a very nice person and anybody could have wanted him dead, the suspects begin to add up and she must find the killer before it ruins the reputation of her wonderful hotel.

The Mystery Guest is sleuthing at its best, and our Molly is as sweet as honey as she brilliantly and true to herself discovers the truths behind the dead man. Cannot wait to see where Molly goes next!

Thank you #NetGalley #BallentineBooks #NitaProse #TheMysteryGuest for the advanced copy.