The Curse of Penryth Hall by Jess Armstrong

The Curse of Penryth Hall is a wonderful compilation of genres rolled together in a terrific dark murder mystery with a heroic female heroine and a handsome sage set in gothic times. There are hidden past secrets, curious characters with dashes of intrigue and magic and of course a bit of romance all rolled into one. You will think you have won the lottery with this story!

Ruby Vaughn works at a bookstore in Exeter who has been asked by her co-worker to bring a box of books to a man in the woods. He is no ordinary person, and she is not allowed to look into the box. She knows this place and is hesitant to go because there is someone there, she would rather not see. 

But she goes and meets this seer whom she immediately dislikes. She then goes to visit her best friend, Tamsyn who lives in Penryth Hall with her now husband Edward Chenowyth. She and Tamsyn have not seen each other in years due to a bit of a falling out. Upon meeting Tamsyn’s husband, she immediately takes a dislike to him He is gruff and treats her friend badly. Convinced to stay the night, Ruby soon regrets the decision.

Suddenly she awakens to church bells ringing. She finds out that someone has died and the bells which have not rung for years mean a previous curse has been renewed. Then she discovers the dead person is her friend’s husband Edward. What? Can this be true? A curse?

Now Penryth Hall is thrown into chaos as there seems to be two sides, those who believe he was murdered by someone and those who believe the curse has killed him. Enter the handsome soothsayer Ruan Kivell who is convinced the curse has come back and will kill again. Ruby feels someone murdered the man because he was nasty. But then the doctor tells them that not only was he poisoned but after he was dead, he was stabbed.

Now it is up to Ruby and Ruan to investigate the death even though each believes the death was caused by something different, and Ruby herself seems to be a target! Who would want to kill her and is there really a foolish curse? As the town awaits the next death, it seems all are suspects!

As the investigation continues, the one person who seems to have a reason to kill Edward is her dear friend Tamsyn. But would she try to kill Ruby too? Haste is a necessity now as clearly someone else will die. Can Ruby and Ruan agree to disagree and find out what is really going on in this small town? Is this a crime or a curse?

The Curse of Penryth Hall will keep you enchantingly engaged throughout the mysteriously engrossing story!

Thank you #Net Galley #MinotaurBooks #JessArmstrong #TheCurseofPenrythHall for the advanced copy.