The Engagement Party by Darby Kane

Are you ready to get on a rollercoaster ride? The Engagement Party is an exciting mystery story with characters you don’t know whether to love or hate, an ending which will drive you mad getting to because it was completely unexpected!

When a group of former college friends reluctantly agree to go to “another” engagement party for their commitment phobic friend Will who has once again met the love of his life in a woman named Ruthie whom none of them have met, no one really wants to be there. The tie which seems to bind these friends is a terrible tragedy which happened a few days before their college graduation. One of their group, Emily Hunt was murdered. Hence, they seem to feel the guilt of what happened and bonded them for life. The party is on a secluded island of the coast of Maine. They know it won’t go well, but what they never could imagine is that not all of them would be alive by the end. 

The cast of characters include:

Will and Ruthie who met just a few short months ago and have decided to get married. Ruthie has not met Will’s friends and quite frankly doesn’t really care about them. Ruthie has an agenda and she’s sticking to it. Will just thinks he’s in love. Again.

Alex and Cassie who met in college and have a young daughter have amazing careers. A great life. Although they felt obligated to attend, they would rather have stayed home. Too bad they didn’t listen to their instincts.

Mitch and Sienna are friends. Sienna comes as Mitch’s plus one. Mitch is one of the friends from college and because of his past, they treat him with kid gloves. As for Sienna, she has feelings for Mitch, but he seems clueless.

The weekend immediately gets off to a rough start as they are the only ones on the island, there is a storm brewing and oh! they find a dead body in the trunk of a car. And it’s someone they know. Then of course someone goes out of their way to block the Wi-Fi and they are unable to get help. If that doesn’t get your attention, perhaps the severed head found in the shed will.

They realize someone is on the island with them and it looks like they are all in danger of being killed. But here is the question, why? Why them? As they begin to plan how to escape, their uninvited guest makes an appearance and seems to know all their secrets. But who is he? What are their secrets?

As they try to lie their way off the island, violence ensues and it’s everyone for themselves. But what they are hiding will kill someone. And of course, that’s when they begin to turn on each other.

The Engagement Party is an agonizingly exciting story with unbelievable twists and an ending which you will never see coming and never forget! Note to self…engagement parties are way too stressful!

Thank you #NetGalley #WilliamMorrowPaperbacks #TheEngagementParty #DarbyKane for the advanced copy.

The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett

The Christmas Appeal is a novella which once again follows the kooky bunch of actors who make up the Fairway Players, the acting troop who appeared in Hallett’s first novel, The Appeal. Most of the characters are new, but we do have a few of the cast from the original. A few things are the same. There is backstabbing, jealousy, revenge and oh yes, a murder! It is hilarious and in her enjoyable writing style, emails and texts, which makes for a quick delightful read.

Set during Christmas, a time of Peace on Earth and Goodwill, the Fairway Players have clearly not received the message. The Fairway gang under a new husband-wife directing team in Lower Lockwood, England some of whom are determined to unseat the couple. They seem to not be able to do anything right! So, while trying to put on a Christmas pageant, Jack and the Beanstalk, which of course some feel is stupid, they all seem to try and make each other miserable.

The production is for the children, which they all seem to have forgotten as they continue to fight and make fun of each other. The proceeds are to benefit the church which needs a roof repaired. But the beanstalk which had been used in a production years ago is in need of a cleaning as it will be the center of the story. Oh, how it will be the center!

But of course, everything begins to fall apart immediately, and as the date of the show nears, the beanstalk is deemed too big, the sweets are needed for the bags of goodies for the children, and unfortunately more patrons keep getting invited. Also, rumors begin to swirl about there being something terribly wrong with the beanstalk. The “candy” is delivered day of and as for the beanstalk, well of course during the show a skeleton falls out of it. But the audience thinks it’s part of the show and therefore the performance is deemed brilliant! Much to some people’s chagrin.

So once again we have our two levelheaded lawyers on the case with their now retired boss. They begin to sift through all the emails, texts, etc. to see if they can find out just what happened and how a body could have been left in the beanstalk for years and no one seem to know.

So, who on earth is the dead body? Who spread the rumor of there being something terribly wrong with the beanstalk? Will this be the end of the Fairway Players? With a few cameos from characters from The Appeal, The Christmas Appeal is a laugh out loud mystery which does not disappoint, and even if you think you’ve got it all figured out well, you’re probably wrong!

Happy Holidays!

Maybe Once, Maybe Twice by Alison Rose Greenberg

Sometimes, timing is everything, but in Maybe Once, Maybe Twice timing is heartbreaking. The story follows the joys and sorrows of a woman who has three great loves in her life. Her dream to become a singer/songwriter, and two relationships which somehow keep falling to pieces. The story is told by jumping in time backward in age to now explaining how all these second chances have come to fruition and the risks involved in each decision she makes.

Maggie finds herself at a pivotal point in her life. She discovers on her 35th birthday that she may not be able to get pregnant, something she really wants although there is no man in her life, and she certainly can’t afford any help in that area. Oh, and her music career is in the dumps. Her only salvation is she and her best friend Garrett have always said if they were not married by the age of thirty-five, they would marry. Which for Maggie is very pleasurable as she has secretly loved her him since they first met. Yes, they have had their ups and downs over the years and yes, they have not seen each other in a while but she knows he’s coming to her party, and she knows she can make everything all right.

So, when they finally meet up, Maggie is devastated to learn Garrett is engaged to be married to someone else. Especially after he gave her an amazing kiss at the party! Heartbroken she begins to look back at their relationship as well as her first love, Asher whom she met at summer camp who was also the first person to break her heart.

But when Garrett invites her to his engagement party, which turns into a nightmare with them confronting each other, she realizes she can’t continue like this. So, she decides to look up Asher, an actor and is surprised at what she finds.

As they reconnect, and with his help realizes she is on the edge of fame, Garrett makes an unexpected announcement. So does Asher. And someone from her past she hates has come back to haunt her. Overwhelmed by all of this, she must decide what she wants knowing she will hurt them both.

Is there a true love of your life? Can there be two? How do you break someone’s heart knowing this could be the end of the relationship. How do you decide to finally, for once worry about yourself instead of all the others. How does she finally find the happiness and peace she needs.

Maybe Once, Maybe Twice is a funny, emotional rollercoaster of falling in love, memories and learning to let go. It’s about being strong for yourself and others, not ever realizing you can be able and still be in control of your own life as you reach the top of the mountain.

Thank you #NetGalley #St.Martin’sGriffin # AlisonRoseGreenberg #MaybeOnce,MaybeTwice for the advanced copy.