Every Time I Go on Vacation Someone Dies by Catherine Mack

If you want to read a hysterically, funny story I would highly recommend the book Every Time I Go on Vacation Someone Dies by best known author Catherine McKenzie whose books are thrillers but is writing this series? one can only hope and pray, other the name Catherine Mack! Yes, it’s a mystery but more important it is a comedy of errors and sentence after sentence of laughter, most of which are in the funniest footnotes I have ever read!

Eleanor Dash is a famous mystery author (she tells the story and also give the reader the footnotes) who has decided to end her very beloved The Vacation Mystery series. But what nobody knows just yet, not even her publisher is she plans on killing off her main character Connor Smith who is a real-life person who she actually dated and solved a real crime with which included a real-life Mafia family and took place in Italy many years ago. Everyone knows the character is based on someone she knew, intimately, but what they don’t know is he has been blackmailing her for years. I will let Eleanor through her footnotes tell you how that came to be.

Now Eleanor finds herself back in Italy doing research for the last book with not only Connor, but her assistant who is her sister Harper, a group of other authors and a group of her rabid…I mean loyal fans to accompany her on this book tour, something her publisher for some reason put together.

So, when Connor tells them all he was almost killed and thinks someone is trying to kill him, Eleanor is quite taken aback. Yes, she plans to kill him but not THAT way! Then to her surprise she discovers that Oliver, her one true love? is here as well and oh yes, someone seems to want her dead too! Is this real? Sure, maybe someone would want to kill Connor, but her? No way!

And then of course, someone really does get killed, no one they expected to get killed and oh by the way one of the book tour fans is actually her stalker from back home. The Italian police become involved, and the head officer is the spitting image of Stanley Tucci. Please keep that memory in your head for when you read the book. He was the officer who assisted in the crime Eleanor and Connor solved years ago.

Now, Eleanor feels she must figure out what is going on before 1. she is killed, 2. she makes a mistake with Oliver or 3. Connor is killed (that certainly wouldn’t bode well for her book).

Every Time I Go on Vacation Somone Dies is the funniest book I have read in a very long time. It has such an imaginable plot and footnotes which will make you laugh out loud. I am serious! Please, please Catherine Mack, make this a series!

Thank you #NetGalley #MinotourBooks #CatherineMack #EveryTimeIGoonVacationSomeoneDies for the advanced copy.

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